
SF Celebrates 50 Years at Fall Convocation

SF Celebrates 50 Years at Fall Convocation

President Jackson Sasser will present his vision for the 2015-2016 academic year at Santa Fe College during Fall Convocation, Friday, Aug. 21. This convocation promises to be a celebration like none other as the college kicks off its 50th-anniversary celebration.

Sasser will honor founding SF faculty and staff and launch the 18-month anniversary celebration with the premiere of “50 Years to First,” a poignant 50th-anniversary video retrospective.

The celebration begins with a continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m. in the Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall lobby, 3000 NW 83rd St. The program begins at 9 a.m. and is anticipated to last about 90 minutes. The party then continues in the lobby, complete with anniversary cake and surprises like confetti cannons to welcome all SF faculty and staff back to campus and commence SF’s anniversary celebration.

“We begin a year anchored in the realization that the college is 50 years old,” Sasser said. “For first-time and returning students we have the opportunity to open new doors of academic understanding and job opportunities they have never imagined before. I anticipate this will be the college’s best year ever for intellectual exploration and service,” Sasser said.

For more information about convocation or to arrange a media interview with President Sasser, contact Cathy Keen, assistant to the president, 352-395-5829.