Spring Early Progress Reporting Ends 2/6/23
Northwest Campus and All CentersSpring and Spring D Early Progress Reporting Ends 2/6/23
Spring and Spring D Early Progress Reporting Ends 2/6/23
Last Day to Withdraw and receive a "W" for Spring A 2/7/23
Meet with UF advisor, Kelley Graff from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences in the UF@SF Center, HA132. For more information about the major: http://wec.ufl.edu. For information about the event contact olivia.steingraber@sfcollege.edu or 352 381-7136.
Meet with UF advisor, Becky Cook from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences in the UF@SF Center, HA132. For more information about the major: http://aec.ifas.ufl.edu/undergraduate/index.shtml. For information about the event contact olivia.steingraber@sfcollege.edu or 352 381-7136.
Meet with UF advisors from UF School of Chemical Engineering in the UF@SF Center, HA132. For more information about the major: https://www.eng.ufl.edu/academics/degree-programs/. For information about the event contact Olivia.Steingraber@sfcollege.edu or (352) 381-7136.
Meet with an Academic Advisor from the UF College of Soil and Water Sciences in the UF@SF Center, HA132. For more information about the major, visit Department of Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences - University of Florida, Institute of Food…
Information session followed by one-on-one advising with Nicholas Mronzinske for all pre-health or CLAS students pursuing any UF bachelor’s degree program as a route to apply to health profession graduate schools at UF in medicine, dentistry, physician assistant, veterinary medicine,…
Treat your sweetheart to a new Valentine's tradition. Swing classes begin at 6 p.m. and then swing dancing, with the band goes on into the night with the Santa Fe College Big Band under the direction of Dr. David Smith.
Join James Albury, host of "The Sky Above Us" and former co-host of the PBS TV Show "Star Gazers" as he takes you on a personally guided tour of our night sky, using our GOTO Chronos Space Simulator. Florida Skies…
For thousands of years, Africans have used their knowledge of the sky to build their societies, shape their spiritual lives, and meet their physical needs for survival. Skywatchers of Africa highlights the diversity of African astronomy, examines cultural uses of the…
Spring G Classes Begin
Pet therapy dogs, take pictures, and make your own valentines!