AFC News

AFC is hosting a reception for the Fulbright Scholar from Brazil  2 – 3 p.m. Tuesday, August 21 in the President’s Lobby.  Please join us to give her a warm and heartfelt welcome to Santa Fe College. An AFC table will…

AFC News

We Need You! AFC Brown Bag Lunch Bring your lunch and join us at noon Tuesday, May 8 in S 29-30.  Bring a conned food item for our service project that will be taken to the Joint Commission Conference next week…

AFC News

Interested in Professional Development?  Check out the new Certified College Professional Program (CCPP) offered to AFC members.  Contact Debbie Kennedy ext. 3812 for brochure and application. Helpers are needed to sell t-shirts, totes, or give out information at the Spring Arts…

AFC News

Join us for  a legislative update and lunch. AFC’s March member meeting will be held at noon Tuesday, March 20, in R-01, with guest speakers from AFC  Michael Brawer and Marsha Kiner.  Learn more about AFC and how it works…

AFC News Briefs

-Submitted by Debbie Kennedy Membership drive: The Santa Fe AFC Chapter is working hard to increase AFC membership. Please welcome some new members: George Mazzeo, Loretta Bainbridge, Wade Huggins, Joe Jester, Mark Kanzler, Priscilla Fort, CJ Fort, Katherine Krause, Glen…