The FACC Institutional Advancement Commission awarded Santa Fe College’s College Relations department first place for Print advertising for a series of program enrollment ads (click photo for a larger view) and second place in the Newsletter category for the daily electronic newsletter, Today@Santa Fe.
The awards were announced at the 60th Annual Fall FACC Convention in Orlando on Thursday, Nov. 19. The materials must have been produced between Aug. 1, 2008 and July 31, 2009.
PRINT ADS: The creative director for the print ads was Tabrisha Baker, who also produced and designed the ads; the copy was written by Jess Delaney. (The images were stock photos, so no photographer is credited.)
NEWSLETTER: Creative director: Julie Garrett; graphic designers: David Houder and Pam Pieters; photographer: Jim Atyeo and others; producer: Julie Garrett; code: David Houder.