Every year, SF’s Digital Media students enter the national Yellow Pages Association student ad design competition, the Yellow Pages Advertising Challenge.
The project consists of designing a yellow page ad for a real Yellow Pages client. This year, Haven Bay Veterinary Hospital in St. Louis served as the client for the competition. Designing an ad for an actual business provides “real-world” elements to both the competition assignment and judging.
Students may enter the competition in teams or as individuals, all sponsored by an instructor. There were approximately 1,050 entries from nearly 150 schools. For the second year in a row, Santa Fe’s Digital Media program placed in the top 20. This year’s winners were Leslie Galloway and Hannah Farrell, respectively, both sponsored by Professor Rhonda Peyton.
Santa Fe was the only two-year program among the top 20, placing alongside students from four-year programs such as San Diego State University, Kennesaw State University, and Columbus College of Art and Design.
Both students also received an Advertising Federation Scholarship for Excellence in Advertising Design before graduating this spring.
Congratulations to Hannah, Leslie and Rhonda!
Read more about the contest
Hannah Farrell’s designs – PDF
Leslie Galloway’s designs – PDF