Dear Santa Fe Family:
I write to encourage you to support the United Way Campaign at Santa Fe College.
The United Way is synonymous with our community. The reason is only partly in the United Way, for this longstanding organization would not have its traditions of compassion and service were it not for the generosity of citizens like you.
With your help, we can serve our community through the United Way and its member agencies. A $5 donation pays for safe shelter for a mother and child for one night, a hot meal for a homeless family, and two home-delivered hot meals for a senior citizen. Giving what amounts to $5 a week for a year buys 40 books for a family or provides a child with dental care for the school year.
Statistics alone cannot quantify the value of support provided over the years by the Santa Fe family. It confirms that the souls of our college and the United Way are kindred in spirit.
Santa Fe’s United Way campaign began Oct. 19 and will end Wednesday, Nov. 9. Please look for updates in the TODAY@SantaFe.
Thank you for remembering the many in the community in real need of our help.
~ Jackson