You all are so generous! Santa Fe is contributing 4,288 items — over two tons of food! — to the Stamp Out Hunger food drive. Boo! at the Zoo contributed about half those items; the remainder came from departments across Santa Fe.
“We are pleased with the community spirit shown in this drive,” said Professor Sarah Stone, who, with Professor Kerry Chancey, originally engaged Santa Fe’s participation. “Everyone ‘surged’ in the last couple of weeks. Perhaps it is that we understand the great need.”
Facilities staff are delivering the food today to the county collection site at the Alachua County Fairgrounds.
Bennye Alligood, Associate Vice President College and Community Relations, said it has been wonderful to see the enormous outpouring of caring from our college community.
“A special thanks to the Teaching Zoo, Facilities staff, and to Jane Parkin for offering and assisting with the collection site in O Building, and to Kerry Chancey and Sarah Stone for leading this effort, and to all the team leaders in each building and at the centers,” Bennye said.
We can all be proud of the many ways Santa Fe really is our community’s college.
~ Julie Garrett, Media Relations Coordinator, College Relations