
Next in SF’s International Lecture Series

Next in SF’s International Lecture Series

“The Arab Spring and the Rebirth of Political Islam,” by Dr. Rene Lemarchand

March 21 at 3:30 p.m. in P260 

Dr. Lemarchand is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science and African Studies at the University of Florida.  He ranks among the top Africanist political scientists of his generation.  His numerous books and articles have helped the Western world understand better the causes of political patronage, genocide and political violence in Africa.  Dr. Lemarchand’s lecture will draw from recent interviews in Tunisia and Algeria as well as on the strength of his previous work on Libya.  He will concentrate on North Africa (Maghreb and Mashrek) and will discuss the significance of the growing popularity of Islamic movements, especially the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafiya, in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.