“The Warrior Queen vs. the Evil Empire: Narrative and Counter Narrative in History and Film,” Thursday, March 22, at 4:30 p.m. in WA-104
A Lecture By Dr. Antoinette Tijani, Professor of French and Comparative Literature and Gender Studies, Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey in Niger and Visiting Fullbright Scholar, University of Florida’s, Center for African Studies (2011-2012).
This talk focuses on the ways in which African and French films have re-imagined a moment of colonial history played out on African soil. This talk engages with questions like: why should we care about the past and distant lands? How are such narratives of globalization relevant here and now, in the North and in the South? How is conquest processed by the creative imagination? When the world is globalized through firepower who wins and who loses?
This event is being co-sponsored by Global Society and the Gainesville Chapter of the United Nations Association. All are welcome.