
STAR Recognition Nominations

STAR Recognition Nominations

Ever wonder how the campus stays so beautiful, or who sits at the desk greeting students with a welcoming smile, or who is always happy to help whenever someone calls?  

Those are Santa Fe College’s Career Service Employees.

The staff of Career Service employees is comprised of roughly 260 full-time, hourly employees who occupy budgeted positions which include technical, clerical, trade and service employees.  If you know of a Career Service employee who is just extraordinary, please nominate him or her for the Staff That Are Remarkable recognition!  

The Career Service Council has initiated STAR recognition to identify an exceptional Career Service employee who excels in the areas of Service, Teamwork, Attitude, and Reliability.  Any staff, faculty or student at the college may nominate a remarkable Career Service staff member who has exemplified exceptional performance.  All nominations need to be returned to R-Annex 107 by Monday, April 2. One winner will be announced during the College Awards Ceremony in April. 

or more information, contact Lola Christian at 395-5186.