In a college-wide meeting yesterday, President Sasser announced several changes that dovetail with the growth of Santa Fe College. These changes will go into effect May 1.
Marilyn Tubb is retiring from her post as Associate Vice President of College Relations, but will stay on as a consultant for the Democracy Project. College Relations will now fall under Development Office Vice President Chuck Clemons. He will be taking on responsibility for marketing, Web design and college-wide event coordination.
Recently, Dr. Paul Hutchins resigned as Dean of the Educational Centers to accept a Job as President of a North Carolina community college. Taking his place will be Bennye Alligood. She will be the Associate Vice President of Educational Centers and will be responsible for coordination of the Blount Center and the Center Directors. Bennye will report to Academic Affairs Provost Ed Bonahue
Assessment, Research and Technology Vice President Dr. Lisa Armour will have responsibility for the Call Center, Visitor Information Desk, and will partner with the Development Office on website technology.
Student Affairs Interim Vice President Naima Brown will be responsible for admissions, including International Student Services. Administrative Affairs Vice President Ginger Gibson will be responsible for coordinating the Santa Fe Community Support Leadership Team (college endorsed participation in United Way, Heart Walk, March of Dimes, etc.).
With these transitions, Santa Fe College will continue to flourish in our community and beyond.
Read more about these changes in the Gainesville Sun article.