If you are one of the SF College faculty members who is working with an interactive SMART Board in your classroom, this upcoming training session is for you.
Amanda Germ, a certified SMART Board trainer, will be on campus June 8, to conduct a training session on the interactive Smart Board. This free training session will be held 1 – 3 p.m. in E-103. If you plan to attend, please R.S.V.P. to Cathy Swan as soon as possible to reserve a place in the training session. There are a limited number of seats available.
The following areas will be covered at the training session:
1) Introduction of the SMART Board Basics
2) A thorough examination of the SMART Notebook Software (tools, icons, capabilities etc.)
3) Demonstration of key examples in creating content within the Notebook software
4) Modeling different scenarios of classroom activities created within the Notebook Software
5) Hands on practice
6) Reference FREE online resources
7) Review with step-by-step instruction and guidance, and answer any questions