
Welcome Home European Study Abroad

Welcome Home European Study Abroad

Study Abroad
SF Students Erica Wheeler, Mindi Dowst, Natalia Garcia, Maria Hernandez and Linda Jenkins listen to a lecture at the Roman Forum, Rome 2012.

SF Students and Faculty Return From Europe after Successful Study Abroad / Plan NOW for 2013

Students enrolled in Summer A ARH1000 Art Appreciation: Study Abroad; Rome, Florence and Paris returned  home May 26, after a successful tour overseas. The class, in it’s fourth year, is offered through SF’s International Education Office and the Visual Arts Program of the Fine Arts Department.

Despite tough economic times and the costs of study abroad, the program continues to grow each year. This year’s class was the largest to date, with 14 students led by Professors Matthew Newell and Daniel Stepp.

From seeing works by masters such as Caravaggio and Giotto in-situ in the churches of Rome and Assisi, to exploring great museums such as the Uffizzi in Florence and the Louvre in Paris (among others), SF students have a unique opportunity to study art and architecture first-hand.

The class fulfills three credit hours toward the Humanities requirement of the General Education Program and is available to all students. Students interested in next year’s class should know that early planning is the key to making study abroad a reality and should contact Allison Nyamuame in the International Education Office and Professor Matthew Newell  for more information on 2013’s ARH1000 Art Appreciation: Study Abroad; Rome, Florence and Paris.