
“Soul of Syria” Promotes Humanitarian Aid Nov. 19

“Soul of Syria” Promotes Humanitarian Aid Nov. 19

The Arabic Cultural Association, with support from Global Society and Student Government programming is presenting “Soul of Syria” to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis gripping that country. Soul of Syria will be held 1 – 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 19, in the Santa Fe Gym.

Speakers will include Santa Fe College President Dr. Jackson Sasser, Santa Fe College student and Syrian national Omar Al AjlaniGainesville Mayor Craig Lowe, and Shahir Raslan from the Syrian Sunrise Foundation. The Syrian Sunrise Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that provides for the people of Syria, who are in desperate need of immediate humanitarian aid, helps promote social and economic opportunity in Syria through humanitarian relief efforts, and operates independent of any political, religious, or military agenda.

This event is about how humanity needs to come together to celebrate the fact that all humans share basic needs and hopes. Right now, the people of Syria are doing without basic needs and beginning to lose hope. This event is aimed at educating the community about the beauty of old Syria and the horrors of current Syria. It is also about building hope; the hope that voices around the world will be heard and that help will reach Syria. Education gives people insight, and people with insight can make a difference.

Please spread the word! And invite your friends and family. This event is free and open to the public.