
“Cultivating Tomorrow’s Students” Health Sciences Program May 30

“Cultivating Tomorrow’s Students” Health Sciences Program May 30

Through a grant provided by the University of Central Florida and the Florida High Tech Corridor Council, Santa Fe College Health Sciences programs will host select students from A.L. Mebane Middle School from 9 a.m. –  1 p.m. Thursday, May 30 in the Health Sciences annex (WA-104). The program is titled “Cultivating Tomorrow’s Students.”

Faculty from UCF and SF Health Sciences programs will partner to show students the immense value of degrees in high technology sciences and healthcare through hands-on experiences in the areas of physics, Cardiovascular Technology, Nuclear Medicine Technology and Respiratory Care. Students will participate in actual physics experiments and witness the fun and beauty in the problem-solving process. Additionally, participants will glimpse the world of advanced medical diagnostics and therapeutics as they become healthcare providers and perform sophisticated procedures in areas such as bronchoscopies and cardiac ultrasound.