Campus is packed as fall classes begin at SF College
By Erin Jester, Gainesville Sun
Like any other college professor on the first day of class, Jonathan Miot stood at the front of the room Wednesday morning and went over rules, procedures and requirements for the semester.
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Floridians ‘in denial’ about hurricanes, Fugate says
The News Service of Florida
Almost halfway finished, the 2013 hurricane season has been a breeze for Florida. But Craig Fugate, the federal government’s top emergency manager, looks at things a little differently. His question: “Have we started playing college football yet?”
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Santa Fe College’s convocation has international flavor
By Erin Jester, Gainesville Sun
In her keynote address at Santa Fe College’s convocation Tuesday, Undersecretary of Education Martha Kanter commended the college’s emphasis on international education and called for more access to higher education nationally.
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Martha Kanter to speak at Gainesville’s Santa Fe College
Carole Hawkins, Jacksonville Business Journal
U.S. Department of Education Under Secretary Martha Kanter will discuss how technology democratizes higher education Tuesday at Santa Fe College in Gainesville.
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Habitat for Humanity House Helps Local Family
GTN News
A new family is proud to call themselves homeowners after some big help from Habitat for Humanity. The charity has a strong partnership with Santa Fe College. The newest Habitat home came to life at the Santa Fe College Construction Institute. “Our students in two semesters, the fall and the spring, they build a house that’s 1,248 square feet,” says program director Jane Parkin.
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Mayor Ed Braddy: Civic pride and duty starts with students
Welcome to the City of Gainesville, one of the finest college towns in the United States! We are very proud of our institutions of higher learning — also among the nation’s finest — and as Mayor I am committed to maintaining our strong partnerships with the University of Florida and Santa Fe College to offer you unique ways to enrich your experience.
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Keith Perry town hall deals with water, pension reform
By Cindy Swirko, The Gainesville Sun
Legislation and programs Perry said he will seek next year include money for new construction at the Santa Fe College Institute of Public Safety and a bill that would allow Gainesville Regional Utilities customers to vote on whether a regional board should oversee the utility rather than the Gainesville City Commission.
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Health care workers discuss best way to share information in new era
By Kristine Crane, The Gainesville Sun
A critical component of health care reform — health information management — took center stage on Thursday morning at a health care summit at Santa Fe College.
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