
Facilities Completes Energy Saving Lighting Upgrade

Facilities Completes Energy Saving Lighting Upgrade

Another Campus energy saving project–the lighting upgrade of parking lots 14, 16 and 17—has just been completed. Erik Anderson, Director of Facilities Operations, would like to say the following regarding the project:

This lighting upgrade project has been on the to do list of Facilities Operations for a while, but on Aug. 16,  I  received word that the GRU rebate program was  terminating at the end of September and was not coming back any time soon. Thanks to some really great teamwork from both inside and outside our department we were able to select the correct fixture for our purpose, process the order, have the vendor expedite the shipment and have our Electrical Department do an outstanding job of installation.

While I have the chance, I want to express my gratitude and extend well-deserved recognition to the following staff: David Diefendorf, Electrical Supervisor; Jason Head, Senior Electrician; Robert Leitner, Electrician; Seth Florio, Electrician; and Sean Flanick, Helper.  It was through their efforts that the project was completed in time to receive a check from GRU in the amount of $6,072.00.

Here are the specifics of the project: we started with forty-four 460 watt (with ballast) metal halide pole top fixtures, which have a total burn rate of 20,240 watts. These fixtures were removed and replaced with forty-four 120 watt LED fixtures with a total burn rate of 5,280 for a savings 14,960 watts. Lighting levels are much brighter and colors are truer. Even though GRU has discontinued their rebate program, Facilities Operations will continue to seek out projects that will reduce our carbon footprint and reduce energy.

Thank you to our facilities department!

Top row: Jason Head, Senior Electrician; David Diefendorf, Electrical Supervisor holding GRU check with Erik Anderson, Director of Facilities Operations; Seth Florio, Electrician. Bottom row: Robert Leitner, Electrician; Sean Flanick, Helper