
Title VIA “Opening Doors to Asia” Spring Workshops

Title VIA “Opening Doors to Asia” Spring Workshops

Six workshops on Asian Studies will be offered during the Spring semester of 2014. If you attend all six workshops, you will be required to submit a concrete plan at the end of the series explaining how you will incorporate the knowledge you have gained into your courses or work at SF. Those who participate in all six workshops will receive a stipend of $300. Participants must agree to join a post-workshop session in the Spring of 2015 and share how their courses or work at SF have changed as a result of the knowledge they gained through this series. Are you committed to attending all six workshops?

Jan. 25 9am to noon Dr. Kimiko Akita “Communicating Across Cultures”
Feb. 8 9am to noon Dr. David Sammons “Solutions to Food Insecurity in Asia: The Sustainable Development Goals and the post-2015 Global Agenda”
Feb. 22 9am to noon Dr. Neepa Nair “Religion and Globalization in South Asia”
March 22 9am to noon Dr. C.K. Shih  “Ethnicity and Ethnic Relations in China”
April 5 9am to noon Dr. Ying Xiao “Chinese Film and Popular Media”
April 19 9am to noon Dr. Guolong Lai   “The Significance of Archaeology and Calligraphy in Chinese  Art”

If you are interested in attending, please go  fill out the application form posted  here by November 15th, 2013.

Please contact Li Ren-Kaplan  (x5290) or David (x5083) if you have any questions.