On Jan. 15 from11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Open Campus is offering a lunch-n-learn Canvas troubleshooting session in the P-266 conference room.
Bring your lunch, snack, beverage, etc. and a question on a 3×5 index card with your email on the backside. (Blank index cards will be available at the door just in case you forget yours.) All questions will be put into a bowl and drawn one at a time. We’ll answer as many questions as possible during this time. If we run out of time and your question isn’t answered, we will send you a personal response via email.
In addition to live monthly forums, each week Open Campus will send all faculty a “What you wish you knew” question and answer. If you are unable to attend one of the forums and would like to submit a question, please send your question to OPEN CAMPUS at opencampus@sfcollege.edu with the subject “What I wish I knew.”
For more information about Open Campus and the session, please contact Lisa Ciardulli at 325-395-7375.