On Friday, Feb. 14, there will be a panel presentation on Growing and Developing in Leadership Roles as part of the Student Affairs Professional Development seminar series. The panel will begin at 2 p.m. and will be held in S-29/30.
Rather than a lecture format, this panel presentation will give the attendees a chance to hear a variety of experiences and perspectives from colleagues whom have successfully moved up the institutional hierarchy here at Santa Fe.
Each panelist will be asked to speak a bit about their career trajectory and answer questions about their professional preparation, education, involvement, and lessons learned along the way.
Panelists include:
Bennye Alligood, Associate Vice President for Educational Centers
Ed Bonahue, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ginger Gibson, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for Administration
David Shlafer, Director of Purchasing
Jen Thomas, Coordinator of Exploratory Advising
Dr. Dan Rodkin will be moderating the panel.
For more information, please contact Dan Rodkin at dan.rodkin@sfcollege.edu or