James C. Albury, planetarium coordinator at Santa Fe College’s Kika Silva Pla Planetarium, is the co-host of the PBS television series, “Star Gazers.” This program is the world’s only weekly television series devoted to naked-eye astronomy. Each weekly episode features selected objects in the sky for naked-eye viewing during the upcoming week.
The following are the 5-minute episodes airing during the months of:
July 2014:
- “It’s Just a Phase I’m Going Through – Part One” – (July 7-13, 2014)
- “Leo is Leaving and Orion Returns” – (July 14-20, 2014)
- “It’s Just A Phase I’m Going Through – Part Two” – (July 21-27, 2014)
- “Super Moon? Not So Much.” – (July 28 – August 3, 2014)
August 2014:
- “Looking North and South in the Summer Sky” – (August 4-10, 2014)
- “Pairs and Pairs of Planets” – (August 11-17, 2014)
- “A Busy Day In The Sky at the End of August” – (August 18-24, 2014)
- “The Scorpion’s Mad Tea Party” – (August 25-31, 2014)
You can find more episodes here and be sure to visit our planetarium’s website for additional information on learning about what’s up in the night sky.