
Years of Service milestones honored

Years of Service milestones honored

Santa Fe College recently honored significant years of service milestones at Convocation. Please see a list below of those employees that were honored. All of the employees listed below are eligible to receive a years of service pin marking their specific number of service years. If you did not receive your pin at Convocation, they are available to be picked up in the Human Resources Office, now located in Building D. Pins will be sent via campus mail to all those that unable to visit HR this week.

Sally Hofffmn was honored for 40 years of service with Santa Fe College.

Sally Hoffman

Bennye Alligood
Pricilla Fort
Vivian Gentry
Carol Thomas

Teklay Fessahaye
Bruce Teague
Steve Williamson

Tabrisha Baker
Ken Bettencourt
Vickie Blount
Linda Clemons
Karen Cole-Smith
Kim Hankins
Jessica Huffman
Beverly Hurst
Larry Jarvis
Doug Klepper
Trenita White

Robert Brill
Myrna Cabrera-Rivero
Deanne Caldwell
John Caldwell
Joan Campbell
Karim Diff
Barry Edwards
Chris Flavin
Barbara Jones
Kathryn Lehman
Robert Malinowski
Lucy Marrero
Dianne Wilkinson

Stephen Akridge
Lisa Anderson
Kathryn Baker
Deborah Clark
Peter Concannon
Liz Drake
Fred Evans
Lela Frye
Jason Head
Greg Jones
Teresa Lanier
Donna Musselman
Matthew Newell
Bill Reese
Mike Ridlon
Doug Robertson
Mike Tolleson
Fil Ventura-Smolenski
Mark Whiteacre
Amber Wilson
Karen Zetrouer
Aliesa Zoecklein

Chris Ahern
Suzanne Carlton
Lola Christian
Aharon Dagan
Alexis Dirienzo
Suzanne Fisher
Algecaria Flagg
CJ Fort
Vilma Fuentes
Sylvester Garrison
George Hastie
Brett Holbrook
Erik Hushelpeck
Julia Jucker
Susan Kincaid
Karen Knott
Susan Kulmacz
Gail Little
David Manning
Jennifer Mullis
Elizabeth O’Reggio
Rhonda Peyton
Nancy Richards
Maria Rinehart
Deborah Scarboro
Laurel Severino Woolsey
Angie Siekers
Chris Swilley
CJ Tabah
Jackie Thomas
Tanisha Thomas-Byars
Chattie Wheeler
Brittany Williams
Bryan Wuthrich