
Help needed at SF’s Gainesville Harvest food pantry

Help needed at SF’s Gainesville Harvest food pantry

Since 2010, Santa Fe College has been operating a food pantry on its Northwest Campus in partnership with Gainesville Harvest. The pantry distributes free, day-old bread from Publix and Uppercrust Bakery to any member of the Santa Fe College community as well as canned goods to individuals with proven need. Since opening its doors five years ago, the pantry has served 21,085 people or approximately 383 individuals per month and distributed over 35 tons of perishable food. Gainesville Harvest is open every Monday morning from 8-11 a.m. in HA-105.

Gainesville Harvest needs your help in order to continue serving the Santa Fe College community.  We are seeking individuals who can take turns picking up bread from local bakeries on Monday mornings between 7 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. and distributing these on Monday morning until 11 a.m.  In addition, help will be donated to categorize and store the hundreds of canned goods that will be collected during Boo at the Zoo. If you can help donate just one hour every Monday morning to help run this pantry, please contact either Dr. Vilma Fuentes or Maria Ortiz.

Please note, activities that are college-related but are not directly related to a non-exempt employee’s primary job duties are considered voluntary and therefore are not compensable when participation is at the sole discretion of the non-exempt employee and the activity occurs outside of the employee’s normal work hours.


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