Due to high interest, the presentation will be in room S-29/30.
A group of researchers will visit Santa Fe College on Friday, Feb. 12, to give a tourĀ on Darwin’s life and ideas. Charles Darwin formulated the theory of evolution over one hundred years ago. Come to listen to a short presentation about how his work and ideas relate to current research on cancer and the evolution of separate sexes in animals. Drs. Joseph Ryan, Marta Chiodin, and Daniel Sasson are researchers at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience
The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience is a full-time University of Florida research center for biomedical research and biotechnology located in St. Augustine, FL.
When: Friday. Feb. 12, at 1 p.m.
Where: Room S-29/30
Contact Dr. Beatriz Gonzalez beatriz.gonzalez@sfcollege.edu if you have any questions or would like to meet with the speakers before or after the presentation.