June 6, 1972 – Florida Times Union reports SFCC contributing $7 million to the area.
June 7, 1996 – Santa Fe Gallery premiers an exhibit “Primal Images”
June 9, 2003 – Gator TRAX Math excellence Summer Camp began today and will last through June 13 at SFCC for middle and high school students from Alachua County. The students received hands-on experience that demonstrated problem solving as it relates to the real world.
June 10, 1968 – Gainesville Sun reports Fordyce declared 6/10-6/15 as a memorial week in honor of the late Senator RFK.
June 10, 1996 – Mayor Ed Jennings declared Week of June 10th named Nursing Assistant Week.
June 10, 2004 – Gainesville Sun reports the Santa Zoo to host STARS (Sea Turtle Research Supporters).