
Santa Fe College Senate Executive Meeting Schedule for 2016-2017

Santa Fe College Senate Executive Meeting Schedule for 2016-2017

dateBelow you will find a copy of the Senate Executive Meeting Schedule for Santa Fe College. Please mark your calendars and reserve time to attend, your input is needed!

You will also find here a copy of the Student Government Resolution for Gender Identity Protection. Please review this Resolution with your constituents and we will cover it again at the 30th of August Senate Meeting. We can do nothing, support the resolution or submit another Resolution. Please bring your thoughts and express them.

The SF Police Department had a Disaster Awareness Presentation last week and as a partial result of that meeting Art Grant and David Price were asked to be part of the operations that will be helping with Faculty issues if needed. They ask that you discuss your department’s plans for communication before and during this critical time. Where do you get your information from and who do you pass it onto during the event? What would be each individual’s part or responsibility? These are good discussion points with better outcomes from an event, if one should happen.

As a reminder, the next meeting will be August 30th at 3:30 PM in P-160.

For more information please contact

Senate Proposed Meeting Dates 2016-2017