
Free “LaserFest” Sneak Peek for Santa Fe College Thursday

Free “LaserFest” Sneak Peek for Santa Fe College Thursday

LaserFest2016-SQUARE-2-1000“LaserFest” begins today as the Kika Silva Pla Planetarium at Santa Fe College celebrates its 10th Anniversary.  There will be a free sneak peek of one of the LaserFest programs today (Thursday, September 29th) for all Santa Fe College students, faculty and staff.  “We will be showing the ‘Laser Mania’ program on Thursday afternoon, 12:30 pm and 4:30 pm.” remarks Albury, planetarium coordinator.  There are nine different laser presentations offered during the four days of LaserFest and in case any of the Santa Fe College affiliates aren’t able to visit this weekend, we wanted them to experience this unique aspect of the planetarium experience.”, adds Albury.

“The ‘Laser Mania’ program is described as being ‘a pure sensory adrenaline rush with a collection of the most current rock and pop hits available in any laser show on the planet. Laser Mania is the pinnacle of high energy laser light shows, guaranteed to have audiences dancing in their seats.'”, adds Albury.  It should be a lot of fun!”

LaserFest will be held on Thursday, September 29 thru Sunday, October 2, 2016 and will feature educational programs such as “Lasers in Space” and “Laser Safari” as well as the traditional music laser shows “Laser Beatles“, “Laser Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon” and “Laser Led Zeppelin” just to name a few.

Ticket prices are $7.00 per person for the matinee showings (before 8 pm) and $10.00 per person for the evening showings (8 pm onward). Albury also stated, “Since this is the first time we’ve had a laser system in our planetarium, we’re expecting the event to be very popular, so we’re encouraging guests to purchase their tickets online in advance. If a show sells out early, we’ll add another one later on in the evening, if possible. We really want as many people as possible to experience this special event”.


To purchase tickets, visit the planetarium’s website

For more information about the planetarium and the “LaserFest” celebration, contact James C. Albury, planetarium coordinator at 352-395-5381 or