
“Education as a Weapon of Chance” Presented November 15, 2016

“Education as a Weapon of Chance” Presented November 15, 2016

On November 15, 2016 at 5 p.m., Phi Theta Kappa will host Tábata Amaral de Pontes who graduated Magna Cum Laude with highest honors in Government and Astrophysics from Harvard College. She comes to Santa Fe College from Brazil to speak about how education has shaped her life and career and how today we are catalysts of change in our communities through education.

Tábata Amaral de Pontes will convey about how membership in an honors society matters and the importance of leadership and community service opportunities in our college careers.

This event will be held at 5 p.m. in E-Auditorium. Click HERE for flyer with full details.  screen-shot-2016-11-07-at-9-00-51-am