February 24, 2017
The steel structure of the Institute of Public Safety (IPS) expansion is now complete. Construction crews will now turn their attention to the roof system and exterior walls so the facility will be “dried in,” allowing workers to complete interior components without interference from the weather. This is a significant milestone in the construction overall.
The new IPS facility will feature spacious class-rooms, two emergency rooms for emergency medical services (EMS) students, and the state-of-the-art instructional technologies. To enhance scenario-based training capabilities for EMS and law enforcement students, the IPS expansion will feature several working storefronts, a fully-operational sports bar, an outdoor café, a two-story-townhouse and a fitness center, among other amenities.
More than 100 closed-circuit cameras will be tied to speakers, microphones, and motion sensors that will introduce special effects and record scenarios for teach-back purposes. “The IPS expansion will allow us to take learning—especially hands-on learning—to the highest level possible,” said IPS Director Tom Ackerman.