
Penny Wars 2017 – Students Lead Staff by $75

Penny Wars 2017 – Students Lead Staff by $75

A pile of pennies

November 3, 2017 – Penny Wars continues between Santa Fe College students and staff. Penny Wars is one of SF’s fundraisers for the United Way of North Central Florida.

Collection jars are set up across the Northwest Campus at Café 101, Domino’s, the SF Bookstore, Building S lobby, Subway and at the Visitor Information Desk in the Administration Building. Points are raised by the amount of change you put in each jar. One point for a penny, five points for a nickel, 10 points for a dime and 25 points for a quarter. However, paper money has the opposite effect – each dollar bill in a jar costs that team 100 points. A five dollar bill deducts 500 points off a team’s score. Click the link to see the  a more complete description of the Penny Wars 2017 Rules of Engagement.

There is plenty on the line for Penny Wars. There will be a pie in the face of the losing team. If the students, who currently have raised $75 more than the staff, raise the most money, Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Naima Brown will end up with a pie in her face. If the staff outraises the students, Student Body President Cale McCall will get the pie in the face.

The deadline to contribute to Penny Wars is Thursday, Nov. 9, the losing team will get the pie in the face Friday, Nov. 17.