
Maser Project Making Progress on Building E Walls

Maser Project Making Progress on Building E Walls

Artist Al Maser works to paint a mural on Building E
Artist Al Maser works to paint a mural on Building E.

November 15 – A new art project on the walls of Building E is underway. The project, a partnership between the Santa Fe College Fine Arts Department and 352walls/Gainesville Urban Art Initiative has commissioned Irish artist Al Maser to paint the giant mural. Maser is one of Europe’s leading urban artists.

Several faculty and staff parking spaces have been blocked off to allow the artist the room needed to maneuver the lift equipment giving him access to the entire southwest corner of Building E. The west entrance to Building E is also closed until the project is completed.

Maser is being assisted by students in the SF Fine Arts Department. The project is scheduled to be completed by Monday, Nov. 20, 2017.

More details about 352walls and Maser himself can be found on the 352walls website.

Additional details about the project, contact SF Art Gallery manager Kyle Novak at 395-5464.