
United Way Fundraising Updates

United Way Fundraising Updates

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November 16, 2017 – Santa Fe College is a proud supporter of the United Way of North Central Florida and has been raising funds from SF students, faculty and staff.

Although much of the fundraising for the United Way is coming to an end, SF employees can always designate a payroll deduction by filling in the United Way Pledge Form to Ramona Mount in Building F, Room 041. Part-time employees can use the same form to make a one-time donation to the United Way.

Penny Wars, the battle between students and staff has come to an end. Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Naima Brown and Student Body President Cale McCall will be ready to hear the final results Friday afternoon. If the students won the fundraising war, Dr. Brown will be the recipient of a pie in the face. McCall will get the pie in the face if staff won the war.

There were two drawings tied to fundraising earlier this week. There was a drawing for an iPad that was won by Ramona Mount. SF student Chris G. was the winner of the Solano Scooter, and $899 value.

All SF students, faculty and staff are invited to see the pie in the face winner (or loser, based on your perspective) outside the SF Fine Arts Hall, Friday, Nov. 17, 2017, at 4 p.m.

Thanks, and congratulations to all who helped raise funds for the United Way!