
Saints of Santa Fe College – Amha Tesfaye

Saints of Santa Fe College – Amha Tesfaye

Amha Tesfaye, Saint of Santa Fe College for February 2, 2019
Amha Tesfaye, Saint of Santa Fe College for February 2, 2019

One day I want to write policy papers, to write policy that actually makes a difference. I’m originally from Ethiopia—from the capital, Addis Ababa—so I was already interested in international development. But then I studied abroad in China. Seeing the country was eye-opening and an incredibly transformative experience. The whole reason I’m interested in poverty and development is from seeing it. In our current political climate, I think it’s more important than ever to explore and travel. It opens up your eyes to how people live, especially if you travel to parts of the world where most people don’t often travel.

Amha Tesfaye, A.A. in History, A.A. Political Science

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