
Santa Fe College EMS Paramedic Students Take Third in State Competition

Santa Fe College EMS Paramedic Students Take Third in State Competition


Paramedic instructor Greg Welch with students Kyle Boatright, Kacey Brooker, Kevin Hicks and Michael Anechiarico following SF's third-place finish in the statewide competition.
Paramedic instructor Greg Welch with students Kyle Boatright, Kacey Brooker, Kevin Hicks and Michael Anechiarico following SF’s third-place finish in the statewide competition.

May 9, 2019 – Students in Santa Fe College’s EMS Paramedic program took third place in the ShandsCair Critical Care Team state EMS Student Paramedic Competition held in conjunction with their Critical Care Conference. The competition, held Monday, May 6, was sponsored by ShandsCair and hosted at the SF’s Institute of Public Safety (IPS).

Teams competed in three areas. The first area was Sills Stations composed of an airway station, a cardiac rhythm recognition station and a drug calculation station. The second was a Trauma scenario which consisted of a person that was on a 4-wheeler and hit by a truck. Students had to recognize life threads associated with a traumatic injury. The third was a medical scenario involving a paraplegic patient in a wheelchair in an ant bed attending an outdoor concert.  Students had to recognize the ants and that the patient was allergic to ants. Being paraplegic, the patient could not feel the ant bites.

Santa Fe College EMS students are trained at IPS, located at the Kirkpatrick Center in Northeast Gainesville. Last year, IPS underwent an $8 million dollar renovation, doubling in size and creating state-of-the-art training facility based on the top federal training facilities in the nation.