
Saint of Santa Fe | Branndan Wilson

Saint of Santa Fe | Branndan Wilson

Branndan Wilson, Saint of Santa Fe College for July 15, 2019.

I love computer and video games. I just love a lot of technology. At first, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I already have a little experience with graphic design so I signed up for the Digital Media Technology Program so I could learn something new.

Santa Fe College helped me decide what career path I wanted to choose. SF also taught me a lot of life skills. Every teacher at the end of the semester would say something like ‘Okay, since you’ve done the work let me show you how this work will help you with life.’ Now I’m doing work because I know the reason behind it.

When I first came to SF I thought it was going to be hard and I was going to fail classes. I was glad that Eastside high school taught me the lessons that I’m learning at SF. I was able to learn to pay attention in high school and bring that mentality to college. And it’s worked out.

-Branndan Wilson, A.S. Digital Media Technology
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