Today OneSixOne Ventures, a local accelerator for early stage tech startups, is announcing the Startup Launch Competition in partnership with the UF Warrington Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center! The 10-week program will include weekly lectures on relevant topics such as building your product, getting your first few users, and how to pitch your startup to investors to raise capital. In addition to lectures, all participants will set weekly goals and track progress. At the end of the 10-weeks, the top startups will be selected to pitch for a grand prize of $10,000. In addition, the top 3 teams will be granted admission to the OneSixOne Ventures Spring ‘22 Founder’s Program. There will even be a series of speakers that will be brought in to speak to the students and teach from experience. So far, Ryan Whittemore (UF MBA Alum), the Chief Investment Officer of FloridaFunders has confirmed to speak for the program, and there are discussions with Ed Buckley (UF PHD Alum), Founder of Peerfit about being a speaker as well as the founder of a prominent FinTech startup in Tampa that we cannot name yet. The program kicks off on Wednesday, September 29th.
About OneSixOne Ventures
Since launching their virtual founder’s program in June 2020, OneSixOne Ventures has completed 4 cohorts and supported over 30 companies from around the country. One of the partners, Pablo Casilimas, was selected to be one of the first 4 scouts for FloridaFunders, the most active venture capital firm in the state after connecting them with Simplebet, which received a $2.6m investment from FloridaFunders and most recently raised $30m lead by Jake Paul’s new fund. Several of the companies that OneSixOne has supported have raised capital from investors, most recently, Ryze Superfoods raised seed funding from PS27 Ventures. Ryze participated in the Fall 2020 cohort and the partners at OneSixOne made the introduction to PS27. Archslate, a 2-sided jobs marketplace for the architecture industry, moved to Florida just months after participating in the OneSixOne Ventures Spring 2021 program. OneSixOne is actively building a community of founders, investors & mentors here in Florida to help young entrepreneurs when they’re just starting out.
Contact us for more info:
Pablo Casilimas
Justis Mendez