Please join your colleagues for the following webinar sponsored by the Center for Instructional Design and Academic Technologies. The webinar will be held in P266 (seating is limited, so come early if you can). Following this one hour presentation, we will have a 30 minute discussion regarding the content and implications of the presentation.
Recognition, Resiliency and Reintegration: Helping Veterans Succeed in College
March 27, 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Presenters: Gina Sobania, M.S., Military Education Director, and Steve Frantz, Ed.D., Director of the Veterans Re-Entry Education Program, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Minnesota has about 2,700 National Guard soldiers deployed in Kuwait, while other units are serving in Afghanistan. Many soldiers will return home in the spring and summer-to enter or return to college or the workforce. Service members from all military branches serving in Afghanistan or Iraq will also return during this time. Research has confirmed returning veterans can have difficulty with reintegration issues while attempting school or reentering the workforce. The difficulties facing soldiers can affect retention and student’s subsequent success. Becoming a more veteran-friendly campus can help soldiers with resolution of these issues and schools with their retention of students. Online services can play a major role in assisting service members, veterans and their families to succeed in higher education either on line or residentially.
Join this Webinar presentation to:
-Learn the elements for becoming a military friendly campus.
-Learn about electronic resource tools and services available to assist service members, veterans and family members.
-Explore research on veterans and how the research instills veteran-friendly practices on campus.