
2012-13 Budget Approved by Board

2012-13 Budget Approved by Board

Santa Fe Family,

I am pleased to inform you that our District Board of Trustees unanimously approved Santa Fe’s budget for 2012-2013 as I presented it to you at Monday’s college-wide meeting.   I am grateful for the careful and expert work of Vice President Gibson and the dedicated staff in the office of Finance.

Out of respect for you the college will provide a 2 percent salary increase for all full-time employees, effective July 1 for 12-month employees and August 21 for nine-month employees, and a one-time $500 salary supplement to be paid in November.  Out of respect for our students, they will not be charged a tuition increase.

The budget reflects the board members’ and my commitment to Santa Fe employees and our respect for your dedication in teaching and serving our students.  Thank you for your excellent work.
