
Fine Arts Hall Booked for 2012-13

Fine Arts Hall Booked for 2012-13

Fine Arts Hall
Exterior view if the Fine Arts hall. Photo by Verve Studio.

The Fine Arts Hall is currently completely booked for 2012-13. Any larger assemblies may be able to move to E-009 Auditorium ( seating close to 300), but this space has limited availability at this point as well. Possibly you could move to R-01. We will do our best to accommodate a group whenever we can, but due to the popularity of the FAH , and the availability of the support staffing, the Fine Arts Hall spaces are now as annually booked as the Center for performing Arts on the University of Florida campus. Please do your best to try to schedule your event after the spring break, for the next academic year.

Thanks to all for participating in the first full year of operation. We hope you will attend the activities at the Fine Arts Hall for our 2012-13 Season- brochures will be available soon.

 -Message from Alora Haynes