A special screening of the documentary film “The Last Flight of Petr Ginz,” produced by the University of Florida and Wake Forest University, will be shown Thursday evening at the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts on the UF campus.
The film tells the story of Ginz, a Czech boy who was a prolific writer and artist before being killed in the Holocaust at age 16. He wrote five novels and numerous short stories, produced more than 170 drawings and paintings, edited an underground magazine and penned a diary about the Nazi occupation of Prague.
A pre-program begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by the 53-minute film and concluding with a 30-minute panel discussion led by UF professor and the film’s co-director Dr. Churchill Roberts. Sydney Taussig – one of the few survivors of Terezin concentration camp who knew Ginz and lived in the same barrack – will also participate in the panel discussion. The event is free and open to the public, but general admission tickets are required. They will be available beginning at noon Thursday at the Phillips Center Box Office with a limit of four per person.