
AFC Member Meeting and Planetarium Show July 8

AFC Member Meeting and Planetarium Show July 8

Do you ever look up into the night sky and wonder, “Is that a really bright star or a planet?”

Come to the July 8, AFC Member Meeting at the Kika Silva Pla Planetarium and find out as Planetarium Coordinator and co-host of the PBS TV show “Star Gazers,” James C. Albury takes you on a personally guided tour of our night sky  – “Florida Night Sky: Summer 2014.”

This is a wonderful opportunity to see one of SF’s best practices and it is free.

Meeting starts at 2 p.m. with a brief update from Chapter President Tom Mason followed by James Albury’s presentation using our GOTO Chronos Space Simulator. You will learn about some of the popular constellations visible from sunset to sunrise, as well as the stories behind them. He’ll also show you how and where in the sky you can find the brightest planets.

Note: seating is limited; no food or drinks allowed inside the planetarium.

Hope to see you there!

Tom Mason, President


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