August 1, 2018 – Please welcome Dr. Pat Profeta as she joins Santa Fe College as the new director of the Lawrence W. Tyree Library. Pat began her career in Florida as a librarian and faculty member at, what was then, Indian River Community College and was eventually promoted to Dean of Libraries for that multicampus institution. In that position, she provided leadership for all library operations and services, leading a staff of 19 spread out in libraries in four locations. In 2016, Pat was again promoted to Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, where she led collegewide planning and assessment activities, institutional research, grant writing and other activities.
When the SF library director position was posted, Pat took notice. “The idea of returning to a library leadership position, and at such a high performing institution as Santa Fe College, was just too much to resist,” she said. “I’m really looking forward to joining the team.” Pat will join the college Wednesday, Aug. 1, and as library director, she will report directly to Provost Ed Bonahue.
Pat holds a B.A. in English and an M.L.S. degree from Rutgers University, as well as a Ph.D. in Information Science from Nova Southeastern University. She also holds a graduate certificate in Community College Education from the University of Central Florida.