January 11, 2020 – Santa Fe College’s Office of Access and Inclusion is hosting the Racial Equity Institute’s “Measuring Racial Inequity: A Groundwater Approach” Friday, Feb. 19, from 9 a.m.-noon and Friday, March 19, from 9 a.m.-noon. Both workshops will be held online. This workshop is an interactive presentation on the nature and impact of structural racism and what it looks like across institutions. In the presentation, participants will examine narratives around racial disproportionality and make use of compelling research data to illustrate the systemic nature of racism and the fallacy of typical explanations like poverty, education, social class, individual behavior, or cultural attributes that often get associated with particular racial groups. The Groundwater Approach teaches how to use data to measure the systemic impact of racism and to track institutional change.
Participants must register in advance. The registration is free for SF students and employees, members of the community can register for a $89 fee.
Registration links:
SF students and employees (free)
Community members ($89 fee)
For additional information, visit sfcollege.edu/access-inclusion/initiatives/rei-trainings.