January 27, 2024 – The Collegewide Forum for Provost Candidate Dr. J. Nathaniel Southerland and “Take 5” were a few notable Santa Fe College happenings over the past week. Here’s some SF news you might have missed:
- The Collegewide Forum for Provost Candidate Dr. J. Nathaniel Southerland took place: All official updates from the college will be published on the Provost Search webpage.
- “Take 5” entertained audiences Jan. 26: The “Take 5” title riffs on the popular Dave Brubeck jazz tune and refers to the five student directors and the five 10-minute plays selected for the festival.
- SF Saints Women’s Basketball continued its win streak: The Saints ride their momentum to St. Petersburg, where they challenge the Titans on Saturday, Jan. 27.
- Help improve the Tyree Library: SF students, faculty and staff can complete this short survey.
- Applications are available for positions on next year’s Student Government Leadership Team: Advocate for SF students and for the college’s future.
- SF Waste Audit registration has begun: Join the Santa Fe College Sustainability Committee, Alachua County Waste Alternatives, and the Repurpose Project on Feb. 7 to create a baseline of the materials discarded at the Northwest Campus.
- Register today for online suicide prevention training: The first 2,000 people to complete the one-hour online course will receive a $25.00 Walmart gift certificate.
- The SFPD beverage tab collection drive began: Bring any can tops/tabs to the SFPD at the Northwest Campus and Blount Center locations.
Stay up to date with SF news and events at news.sfcollege.edu.
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