Dear Santa Fe Personnel and Students, All members of the Santa Fe College family are invited to join our trustees, government officials, legislators, and community leaders, for a special public announcement on September 5 at 11 a.m. in the Fine…

Santa Fe in the News: “Fine Arts Hall packed for SF College Convocation”

Nearly 600 faculty, staff and students packed the Fine Arts Hall at Santa Fe College on Tuesday for the school’s annual Fall Convocation. The morning featured many speakers from across the college, including Provost Ed Bonahue, who announced the school’s…

Convocation Honors the “Olympian” in all of Us

Fall 2012 Convocation began with the melody of Chopin filling the 600-seat main theater in the Fine Arts Hall as Dr. Mitchell McKay, new Assistant Music Professor,  played to a packed house of faculty, staff and administrators yesterday morning. After a round of thunderous applause and an introduction by Dr. Sasser, convocation was underway…