Katherine Parker Presents “Grocery Shopping Survival Skills” May 19

Next up in the Wellness Wednesdays lineup is wellness expert and nutritionist Katherine Parker. You might remember her presenation a few years ago when Santa Fe first launched its Wellness Initiative. Katherine is an energetic, dynamic speaker with a national…

Santa Fe’s Entrepreneur Incubator Offering Breakfast Open House Jan. 21

Santa Fe College’s “face” in the local business and innovation community is its Center for Innovation and Economic Development (CIED). The CIED’s Entrepreneur Incubator is charged with helping local entrepreneurs get their new businesses off the ground. The incubator recently graduated two…

Santa Fe College Entrepreneur Incubator Graduates First Incubating Companies

Santa Fe College’s entrepreneur incubator recently graduated two companies and is planning an open house Jan. 21 to introduce the next round of budding entrepreneurs to its facilities and resources. Citizen’s Co-op, a community-owned natural foods grocery store, joined Santa…

A Message from the SFC Nursing Programs Director

Lois Ellis writes: The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) site visitors evaluated SFC Nursing Programs during the past three days. Four site visitors from Missouri, Massachusetts, South Carolina and Georgia, visited with students and faculty from the ASN,…